Laughing Buddha is considered as the god of the many statues and pictures that are visible in many places this business. He is considered as one of Maitreya's considered to be representative of the future of enlightenment in Buddhism. Since Maitreya associated with happiness, which can be considered to have the extension enough to eat and live a happy life, has symbolized Laughing Buddha belly. He helped to overcome the sadness and obstacles, and offers a smooth ride, full of happiness throughout the year. He was said to have a very smiley face to signify fulfillment and joy.

He is also considered as a representation of an eccentric Chinese monk who lived many years ago. He is seen as a man of good character and was always seen carrying a cloth bag with various items such as rice, sweet to the children and food for the poor. He can also be seen sitting in a cart drawn by a child or holding a fan which is considered as a fan want to meet. The Laughing Buddha of today represent the monks run around and blesses the people with happiness, good luck and family luck.

He said to bring fortune extraordinary and can be seen at the checkout counter, the reception desk, entrance foyers and lobbies of hotels and restaurants and many places in almost Asia.

He also represents a symbol, such as ingots, Pot of gold, and property bags usually associated with abundance, wealth and happiness luck.

He was seen surrounded by children and said to bring good luck in the descendants of the family. Sculpture or painting him with the children placed in the western region of space is very fortunate to say couples aspiring to be a child.

Showing Laughing Buddha in the living room is considered a harmonious family and the problems and quarrels.

He also represented in jade pendants jewelry, which is considered very lucky. Giving the gift of the statue is considered a very friendly attitude. Asian culture in the representation of the Laughing Buddha are given on important occasions such as weddings and anniversaries.

Always display the statue on the table and show the deity living in the area and entered a room in the house. Do not display in the bathroom or kitchen.

In many temples in Asia Laughing Buddha is seen seated facing the entrance and is considered a symbol of good luck.

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