The Bodh Gaya, located in the Indian state of Bihar is one of the popular destinations of pilgrimage for Buddhists and tourists around the world. It was the place where Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment while meditating under the bodhi tree famous. The place is crowded with fans of Buddha from different corners of the world, especially from countries like Srilanka, Bhutan, Myanmar, Japan, China, Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia is. Some of the attractive places to see Bodh Gaya.

Information on places to visit Bodh Gaya

The Bodh Gaya is dotted with numerous temples and monasteries which are architectural brilliance.

Great Buddha statue - the statue eighty feet in length is considered one of the most attractive two Gaya. The statue was built in the posture of "dhyana mudra" or meditation on a lotus reversed. The raw materials used for the construction of the granite statue of red stone and sand. The statue was built with the help Daijokyo art of Japan. Historical evidence indicates that it took about 7 years and the participation of about 12,000 masons to build the statue. November 1989 The 18th Dalai Lama consecrated the statue.

Mahabodhi Temple - Under the order of the Emperor Ashoka sanctuary was built near the bodhi tree or the tree under which Buddha attained enlightenment. The pyramid-shaped temple is built with dexterity architectural manifesto four towers located at its four corners.

Dungeswari caves - Dungneswari The caves are at a distance of about 12 km of two Gaya. The caves of nature. They display paintings and stone carvings of Buddha. The graphics painted in the caves of the life history of the great preacher. A cave is a statue of Buddha, representing the life of the acetic sage.

Bodhi Tree - Gautama Buddha taught the true meaning of life and death by meditating under the bodhi tree. Although the original is no tree but the tree of the bodhi tree from Srilanka is in place. Age of return, the daughter of Ashoka Sanghamita took a sapling from the tree and planted Srilanka true in a place called Anuradhapura. The present Bodhi tree is over 122 years and is still alive.

Bodhi Sarovar - The Bodhi Sarovar is the place where Buddha used to take a bath before sitting meditation. The pond is located to the west of Bodhi temple.

Chankarmana - The place is located north of the Bodhi temple. It was the place where the Lord of walking while meditating on the dilemma of whether the hand of divine knowledge of the world or not.

There are several other places to go to Bodh Gaya. It is recommended to do research on different places of Gaya and plan your trip accordingly.

Ishita traveled almost all over the world. She shared her experience often travel blogs on the Internet. Search for a Travel Guide on the Internet for details on Bodh Gaya before planning your trip to India.